Wednesday, January 29, 2014

January 2014 Ipsy Bag

Long time no blog, I know. Work and school have been a little crazy, and I lost my camera for a few days. Enough excuses lets get the the post. I received my Ipsy bag a few days ago and I they've done it again, a nice bag with fun products to try out. For the first time in a long time, I didn't receive any full sized products. They don't promise a full size item in the bag, but there is usually one included.

This first product I'm actually excited to try. I usually hate foil samples, BUT I don't mind them when they give you a couple. That way you actually get to try the product more than once.

This product might not be enough for all my hair, but I'll make it work.

At first I was most excited about this product, the color was pretty, it had a nice velvet texture. Then after trying it on and taking a picture of the product on my lips; when I took it off I noticed a few bumps of the edge of mu top lip, near my cupids bow. I freaked out, I might be allergic to the product. I'm not willing to try it again to find out. Luckily the bumps were gone by morning.

My lips looked fine when I put it on.
This product is actually really pretty and is in my purse now.  Beautiful tear duct/ inner corner color.

I tried to take a picture of the liner, but my camera wasn't cooperating with me.
Sorry its been so long since my last post. I will do better on bringing you all more posts. :) 

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